Votes of its Kassia members would only go to the parties which explicitly included its calls for or agreed to resolve the problems confronted by MSMEs in the state, the organisation mentioned.
With the Karnataka Assembly elections simply across the nook, Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association (KASSIA) which represents 6,50,000 micro and small scale industries in the State, mentioned votes of its members would only go to the parties which explicitly included its calls for or agreed to resolve the problems confronted by MSMEs in the state.
“We have appealed to all of the 6.5 lakh MSMEs in Karnataka together with their relations to vote only for these candidates and parties who meet our expectations and calls for. Our vote will go to the parties which explicitly embody our calls for and resolve points,’‘ said K.N. Narasimha Murthy, president, Kassia.
According to Kassia, the plight of the micro and small scale industries in the State is pathetic and even bare survival has become a huge challenge for a majority of them.
“As you are aware, the MSMEs are second only to agriculture in providing employment and contributing to the GDP of the country. Government established estates of the KSSDC/KIADB cater only around 9% of the requirement of industrial plots/sheds,’‘ he explained.
There was a raw material shortage and high cost of input. Mr. Murthy said. Payments have been delayed for 90-150 days to the MSEs for supplies made to Large Organizations/PSUs. Collateral-free bank credit for MSEs by and large was only on paper.
Kassia has demanded for plug-and-play industrial estates at district/taluk-level with all required infrastructure such as broad roads to ensure smooth passage of large goods vehicles, street-lights, water supply, uninterrupted power, sewage treatment plant (STP), solid waste management (SWD), better traffic management, etc.
The trade body’s demand additionally included a complete scheme to revive sick MSEs which represent almost 20% of the whole industries and introduction of an unique Policy and Budget for MSMEs.