The Chennai City Police’s Central Crime Branch (CCB) on Sunday filed a case in opposition to Tamil Nadu BJP president Okay. Annamalai on fees of indulging in “false propaganda” in opposition to the State authorities with regard to the problem of migrant labourers from north India.
Confirming this, a senior police officer mentioned, the Cyber Crime division of the CCB has filed a case in opposition to Mr. Annamalai beneath 4 sections of the Indian Penal Code for posting false messages on social media in opposition to the State authorities for making an attempt to advertise riot between the individuals of the State and migrant labourers working within the State. The controversial tweets had been posted on Saturday.
Mr. Annamalai had in his tweets accused ruling DMK MPs of creating vile feedback of north Indians and feedback by a DMK Minister calling them “Panipuri wala” and demand for their exodus by its alliance companions have “triggered what we see today” He added, “The divide that DMK always stood for is coming back to bite them, and it is now their responsibility to fix this situation and is an opportunity for them to put an end to their defunct propaganda.”
The CCB has filed a case beneath 4 sections of 153, 153A(1)(a), 505(1)(b), and 505(1)(c) of the Indian Penal Code for selling disharmony, enmity or emotions of hatred between completely different teams on the grounds of faith, race, and language.
Responding to the case, the BJP leader tweeted, “I understand DMK has filed cases against me for exposing their 7-decade propaganda against North Indian brothers. So, here is the video of what they spoke about, which was mentioned in my press release yesterday. I challenge Fascist DMK to arrest me!”