Mumbai: Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra’s meal outings with AAP minister Raghav Chadha have been grabbing eyeballs, of late. While each Parineeti and Raghav have been tight-lipped about their companionship, Parineeti’s ‘Code Name: Tiranga’ co-star Harrdy Sandhu appears to have put a stamp of approval on the equation between the 2.
Recently, Sandhu mentioned that he’s very “happy that it’s finally happening” and that the ‘Ishaqzaade’ actress is lastly taking the plunge. He wished her “all the luck”.
The ‘Bijlee Bijlee’ hitmaker additionally revealed that they’d talk about marriage after they had been taking pictures for ‘Code Name: Tiranga’. He informed DNA, “When we were shooting for ‘Code Name: Tiranga’, we used to have discussions about marriage, and she used to say that ‘I will get married, only after I feel that I have found the right guy'”.
Sandhu additionally shared that he has already spoken with the actress and has congratulated on the quickly to occur union.
Earlier, Aam Aadmi Party chief Sanjeev Arora took to his Twitter account and congratulated Raghav and Parineeti for his or her union on Tuesday. “I extend my heartfelt congratulations to @raghav_chadha and @ParineetiChopra. May their union be blessed with an abundance of love, joy, and companionship. My best wishes!!!” he tweeted.