New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Thursday launched a scathing assault in opposition to Congress chief Rahul Gandhi over his allegations on Prime Minister Narendra Modi within the Adani challenge. Sitharaman referred to as Gandhi’s allegations ”baseless” and described him as a “repeat offender” in levelling such costs. “If Rahul Gandhi truly believes Adani has been given all of these things (undue favours), it is not true,” Sitharaman stated throughout a press convention on the State BJP workplace right here. “Let me also say that he is now a repeat offender when it comes to making baseless allegations against the Prime Minister.” We noticed him do it earlier than the 2019 elections, and now he is doing it once more. “He doesn’t seem to learn anything from all of these false accusations he wants to level against the Prime Minister,” she stated.
Sitharaman additionally sought to know why Gandhi didn’t increase a voice in opposition to the “undue favour” to Adani by the Kerala authorities and a solar energy undertaking to the corporate in Rajasthan.
#WATCH | “If any crony capitalism is happening, it is happening in Congress-led governments, and Rahul Gandhi will not speak a word about it…,” says Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman as she hits out at Congress chief Rahul Gandhi.
— ANI (@ANI) April 6, 2023
“It was the (then) Congress government (in Kerala), which gave on a platter Vizhinjam Port to Adani. It was not given on the basis of any tender. Now this is not this (Congress) government but the CPM government. But what stopped him from asking and demanding that Kerala cancel that order?” Sitharaman stated.
The “entire solar power project” has been given to Adani in (Congress-ruled) Rajasthan. “What stops Rahul Gandhi?”
Noting that Adani received tasks in Chhattisgarh additionally, she stated crony capitalism was occurring in Congress governments. “I challenged him (Rahul Gandhi) to tear the orders and cancel those orders. Why doesn’t he tear off that Rajasthan agreement with Adani saying ‘no solar power here. No way, you are Modi-Adani Bhai Bhai. We don’t want ?Modi Adani Bhai Bhai’ in Rajasthan,” the Finance Minister stated.
“If there is any crony capitalism is happening, it is happening in Congress-led governments and Rahul Gandhi did not speak a word about it”, she alleged.
Sitharaman additionally recalled that Gandhi needed to give written apologies twice. “In 2019, while making allegations during Rafale aircraft procurement, you were giving such statements against the Prime Minister, that you had to seek an apology in the Supreme Court,” the Minister identified.
“Today he’s saying ‘I’m Gandhi, not Savarkar’ . Does he keep in mind the 2 apologies he gave earlier?? she requested.
The opposition and the federal government are at loggerheads over US agency Hindenburg`s report on the Adani group the place the previous is demanding the organising of a JPC to probe the problem whereas the latter has been demanding an apology from Congress chief Rahul Gandhi for his remarks throughout his UK journey.Â