The Special Cell of Delhi Police has seized a mobile from the barrack of Indian Mujahideen terrorist Tehseen Akhtar alias Monu in the high-security Tihar Jail. Preliminary investigation instructed that no less than 5 terrorists apart from Tehseen used the cellphone to function a Telegram Channel. It is suspected that they used this cellphone to say accountability for terror acts or threats together with for putting an explosives-laden SUV close to Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani’s residence in Mumbai final month and blast exterior Israeli embassy in the nationwide capital.
According to the Special Cell of Delhi Police, they created a Telegram channel — Jaish-ul-Hind. A probe is underway to hint the additional hyperlinks.
Police mentioned that with the assistance of a cyber company the placement of the cellphone on which the Telegram channel was created, was traced. The location of the cellphone was traced close to Tihar Jail in Delhi.
The Tihar Jail authorities performed an enormous search operation contained in the sub-jail quantity 8 on Thursday. They recovered a mobile and sim card. The Telgram channel, Jaish-ul-Hind, was created on this cellphone.
Earlier in February 25, a Scorpio automobile with 20 gelatin sticks was discovered parked close to Antilia, the multi-storey residence of Mukesh Ambani in Mumbai. Police mentioned {that a} Telegram channel was created on February 26 and the message claiming accountability for the incident was posted on the Telegram on February 27.
A dying row convict, Tehseen Akhtar is the mind behind the string of explosions together with in Patna that left six useless in 2013. A pc-savvy quick-change artist, he was on the radar of investigators in reference to different terror assaults throughout India. Tehseen, thought-about to be near Yasin Bhatkal, the person who co-founded Indian Mujahideen, is initially from a village in Bihar’s Samastipur. He was arrested by the Special Cell of the Delhi Police in 2014.
He was additionally concerned in the 2006 blasts in Varanasi, the 2011 serial blasts in Mumbai and 2013 Hyderabad blasts. He was sentenced to dying by a particular NIA court docket in the 2013 Hyderabad bomb blasts.Â