New Delhi: The Delhi police have retrieved the stolen car belonging to the spouse of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President JP Nadda from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh on Sunday. This restoration comes a number of weeks after the automobile was reportedly stolen from Delhi. Police have arrested two individuals within the theft recognized as Shahid and Shivang Tripathi– each residents of Badkhal, close to Haryana’s Faridabad, as per stories.
As per police stories, the Fortuner belonging to Mallika Nadda, the spouse of JP Nadda, was reported stolen from the Govindpuri area in Delhi on March 19. The incident occurred when the motive force, Joginder Singh went out to have lunch after getting the SUV serviced. The SUV was unattended for a while. Upon returning, he found it was stolen. Following which he reported the incident to the police and launched searches to find the lacking car.
The two people, now in custody, exchanged the stolen car’s license plate with a counterfeit one to evade detection and drove it to Badkhal, as per the official’s assertion. Moreover, the suspects proceeded to move the SUV to Varanasi by way of Aligarh, Lakhimpur Kheri, Bareilly, Sitapur, and Lucknow.
Officials acknowledged that primarily based on CCTV footage, the SUV was noticed heading in direction of Gurugram and is recognized by a Himachal Pradesh quantity plate. “We have arrested two individuals on this case. During interrogation, the accused revealed that that they had stolen the SUV on demand and had been planning to take it to Nagaland,” they advised ANI.