New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and his Punjab counterpart, Bhagwant Mann, will take part in a roadshow in South Delhi on May 11. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) nationwide convenor was granted interim bail till June 1 by the Supreme Court earlier that day in a cash laundering case associated to the alleged Delhi excise coverage rip-off. This will likely be Kejriwal’s first roadshow since strolling out of Tihar Jail on Friday. The chief minister arrived at his residence within the Civil Lines space round 8.20 p.m. from the jail complicated.
Kejriwal To Begin Campaign With Hanuman Temple Visit
Kejriwal forward of his go to to the Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place at this time mentioned he’s joyful to be again with the prayers of crores of individuals and justice of the Supreme Court. CM Kejriwal taking to X (previously Twitter), “With the blessings of Hanumanji, the prayers of crores of people and the justice of the Supreme Court judges, I am very happy to be back amongst you all.”
“See you today- 11 am – Hanuman Temple, Connaught Place 1 pm – Press conference, party office 4 pm – Road Show – South Delhi – Mehrauli 6 pm – Road Show – East Delhi – Krishna Nagar You all must come,” Kejriwal mentioned.
Kejriwal’s Packed Election Campaigning Schedule
Arvind Kejriwal has a packed schedule for his first day after receiving interim bail from the Supreme Court, which is able to start with a go to to the Hanuman Temple in Connaught Place. He will then proceed to the Party Headquarters in Delhi to carry a information convention The Aam Admi Party nationwide convenor may even participate in a street present in South Delhi within the night. Sahi Ram, the AAP-Congress alliance candidate in South Delhi, faces off in opposition to Ramveer Bidhuri, a BJP MLA.
AAP is predicted to mission Mr Kejriwal of their nationwide ballot campaigns now, with the fourth part of voting scheduled for May 13. Voting for all seven Lok Sabha seats in New Delhi will happen on May 25.
The Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) have agreed to share seats in Delhi, with the previous fielding candidates for 3 Lok Sabha seats and the latter contesting the remaining 4.