Bollywood actress Dia Mirza has solely lately introduced her being pregnant. She celebrated the birthday of her husband Vaibhav Rekhi’s daughter Samaira Rekhi with nice pleasure. Incidentally, Vaibhav’s ex-wife Sunaina Rekhi additionally attended this birthday celebration of her daughter.
A video was shared by Sunaina on social media from the time her daughter Samaira celebrated her twelfth birthday. Seemingly, Dia makes the video as Vaibhav and Sunaina stand by Samaira whereas she cuts the cake. Vaibhav is seen lovingly feeding the cake to Samaira. Sunania is all smiles as she stands in addition to her daughter. Samaira’s associates are additionally seen within the video as they have a good time the event and sing birthday track.
Dia married Mumbai-based businessman Vaibhav on February 15. She had lately gone on a vacation together with her husband and step daughter to Maldives. She additionally introduced her being pregnant with a pic from her trip.