‘Snakepedia’: Indian App That Gives Information About Slithering Reptiles


Are you a snake lover? If yes then here is an app which will guide you in getting all information about snakes at your fingertip. Launched on Google Play Store on February 4, the android App ‘Snakepedia’ besides helping you to identify the snakes also has a wide range of details, including first aid for bite cases and breaking myths and superstitions around snakes. 

Malayalam is the main language used in this App dedicated to snakes in Kerala but information and podcasts are available in English too. Over 600 pictures of large snakes are included in the app and the credit for the same goes to enthusiasts from within and outside the state. The App also provides online help from experts for identification of snakes.

As of now, the App provides extensive information about different types of snakes in Kerala and outside. Over 100 types of snakes are found in Kerala and are mentioned in the app. More than 10,000 people have downloaded the application within days of its launch.

The App has also been endorsed by Thiruvananthapuram MP Shashi Tharoor lauding the efforts of developers. “For those afraid of snakes, fond of snakes, victims of snakebites… an amazing new app by a couple of young Kerala techies,” Tharoor tweeted.

It is reported that a group of nature lovers, wildlife experts, clinical doctors and science enthusiasts have been credited with the development of this app whose features except for the podcasts and online helpline are available offline.

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