Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Police cracked the whip on denizens, who flouted the lockdown tips. On a sunny Sunday afternoon, the gates of Hyderabad Public School in Telangana’s capital metropolis have been reopened by the police on Sunday for a very completely different function — to lock up the commuters with out an e-pass.
Earlier, there have been movies of police utilizing power and seizing autos of individuals, who ventured out on metropolis roads, regardless of the curfew. On Sunday, the video of locking up folks within the faculty at Begumpet was tweeted by many and the transfer gained criticism throughout social media platforms.
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On the flip facet, when folks tried to use for an e-pass on the Telangana police portal, nonetheless, the positioning was down. When a Twitter consumer took to his deal with with the portal’s error screenshot tagged to his submit, the Telangana DGP Tweeted: “The site is under maintenance to update some new features, very soon it will be made available”.
The web site is underneath upkeep to replace some new options, very quickly it will likely be made obtainable
— DGP TELANGANA POLICE (@TelanganaDGP) May 23, 2021
On Saturday, town police baton-charged the meals provide executives of Zomato, Swiggy, and so on.. Ironically, folks claimed that police wielded energy has been creating extra ache than Corona. It’s been 10 days since Telangana has introduced the statewide lockdown, since then the Twitter has been abuzz as a result of authoritative energy utilized by the police each day.
Lockdowns are to curb the unfold of the virus, however when persons are gagged on the identical place within the identify of lockdown violation there are excessive prospects of virus mushrooming amongst them as Covid-19 is a contagious illness.