West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has stated that the state authorities can not release Chief Secretary “at this critical hour”. In a letter written to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday, Banerjee has requested him to withdraw the order recalling Chief Secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay.
“West Bengal government can’t release and is not releasing its Chief Secretary at this critical hours,” she wrote.
“Do not understand what happened between your allowing extension to Chief Secretary on May 24 and your unilateral order 4 days later,” Mamata added within the letter.
The Centre had final week transferred Alapan Bandyopadhyay after he skipped Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s essential assembly on Cyclone Yaas. The Centre had on Friday night time sought Bandyopadhyay’s providers and requested the state authorities to instantly release the highest bureaucrat, an order that snowballed into a serious controversy.
Alapan Bandyopadhyay, a 1987-batch IAS officer of the West Bengal cadre, was scheduled to retire on May 31 after completion of 60 years of age. However, he was granted a three-month extension following a nod from the Centre to work on Covid administration.
READ MORE: Centre orders Bengal govt to relieve Chief Secretary Alapan Bandyopadhyay
READ MORE: ‘Arrogance, petty behaviour’: Amit Shah bashes Mamata for skipping cyclone evaluate assembly