Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal visited a vaccination centre on Wednesday, a day after his authorities launched ”Jahan vote, vahan vaccine” marketing campaign within the nationwide capital.
The marketing campaign is aimed at spreading consciousness and inspiring residents aged above 45 to get vaccinated in opposition to COVID-19 at native polling booths of their meeting constituencies.
“Visited a centre under the ”Jahan vote, vahan vaccine” today. People there seemed to be happy about the fact that they could get vaccinated near their homes at the polling booths where they go to cast their votes,” Kejriwal tweeted in Hindi.
“There is also no issue of online booking. Booth officers are going to people”s houses to allot vaccination slots to them,” he added.
The marketing campaign was launched at the Ballimaran meeting constituency on Tuesday. As a part of the marketing campaign, booth-level officers are visiting the people of their wards and inspiring residents to get vaccinated at native polling booths. E-rickshaws have been organized to take residents to polling booths to get them vaccinated.
A press release from the Aam Aadmi Party had mentioned that these above 45 years of age must be vaccinated in 4 weeks and the Delhi authorities would equally carry this out for these within the 18-44 age class as properly.Â
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