Actor-activist Deep Sidhu, accused of instigating a group of farmers during the violence at Red Fort on Republic Day, has been arrested. The Delhi Police Special Cell on Tuesday morning arrested the Punjabi actor near Zirakpur area between Chandigarh and Ambala at Punjab-Haryana border. ALSO READ | Who Is Deep Sidhu? Know All About The Actor Who Is Accused Of Instigating Farmers At Red Fort
The arrest has come almost a week after the Delhi police announced cash rewards of Rs. 1 lakh each on Deep Sidhu, Jugraj Sigh and two other associates who were allegedly involved in the flag hoisting at the Red Fort on Republic Day.Â
On January 26th 2021, farmers were given the permission to conduct a ‘peaceful’ tractor rally when the day arrived what started out as a peaceful protest quickly turned violent.Â
Initially, Punjabi actor Deep Sidhu and the gangster-turned-social activist Lakha Sidhana were named by the Delhi Police in an FIR in connection with the Red Fort incident and the violence.
According to the reports, actor Deep Sidhu, who was present during the incident, sought to defend their action, saying they did not remove the national flag and had put up the ‘Nishan Sahib’ as a symbolic protest. Sidhu in his defense had said that he has been wrongly accused of inciting violence. Adding to this he also said not to associate Red Fort violence with National Integrity.Â
Deep Sidhu, who has acted in a few Punjabi films, came to the limelight after he raised questions over the leadership of the farmer unions and announced to launch his own ‘morcha’ at Shambu.
 ALSO READ | Delhi Police Announce Rs 1L Reward For Info On Deep Sidhu; Actor’s New Video SurfacesÂ
Some media reports claimed Sidhu was an aide of Sunny Deol when the latter contested from the Gurdaspur seat in Punjab during the 2019 general elections. However, actor and BJP MP Sunny Deol clarified that he has no connection with the actor.