Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav on Saturday took a jibe at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath over his remarks on how India was faring higher than Pakistan, saying comparability ought to all the time be executed with somebody higher.
In a tweet in Hindi, Yadav mentioned, “Reference: UP chief minister is talking about being better than Pakistan. The golden rule of comparison: Comparison should always be done with someone who is better than you.”
On Friday, Adityanath mentioned whereas India beneath Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s management was offering free ration to over 80 crore folks, the folks within the neighbouring nation had been struggling to get two meals a day.
“All Indians are getting benefits of development schemes without any discrimination. The nation is scaling new heights of prosperity. Efforts are being made to create the best security environment in the nation,” he mentioned.
Without naming anybody, Adityanath added that some folks wished India to develop into like Pakistan.