Share Price of Aurobindo Pharma Limited edged decrease by greater than two per cent on Tuesday, June 1, a day after the pharmaceutical firm introduced its January-March quarter outcomes for the monetary 12 months 2020-21. On Tuesday, Aurobindo Pharma opened on the BSE at Rs 1,000, inching to an intra day excessive of Rs 1,007.95, and an intra day low of Rs 959.90, via the buying and selling session thus far. According to a regulatory submitting by the agency to the inventory exchanges, Aurobindo Pharma reported a internet revenue of Rs 801.18 crore consolidated foundation within the fourth quarter of fiscal 2020-21.
According to the assertion, Aurobindo Pharma reported a consolidated internet revenue of Rs 863.16 crore for the corresponding quarter of the earlier fiscal. The firm’s income from operations for the March quarter stood at Rs 6,0001.50 crore. In the identical quarter of the earlier fiscal, its income from operations stood at Rs 6,158.43 crore.
On the NSE, Aurobindo Pharma opened at Rs 1,003.01, swinging to an intra day excessive of Rs 1,008.60, and an intra day low of Rs 959.25, within the session thus far. It was final buying and selling 2.40 per cent at Rs 974 on the NSE.
Shares of Aurobindo Pharma had been final buying and selling 2.27 per cent decrease at Rs 975.10 on the BSE.