Superstar Akshay Kumar on Wednesday introduced that Bhumi Pednekar is ready to star alongside him in Aanand L Rai’s upcoming function movie Rakshabandhan. The actor duo has beforehand collaborated on motion pictures like Toilet: Ek Prem Katha (2017) and Pednekar-starrer Durgamati, on which Kumar served as co-producer.
“When you might be blissful, it exhibits. And certainly we’re… To have @bhumipednekar onboard #RakshaBandhan,” Kumar wrote on Twitter alongside a picture with Pednekar and Rai.
The film is written by Rai’s longtime collaborator and National Award-winning screenwriter Himanshu Sharma, known for Zero, Raanjhanaa and the Tanu Weds Manu franchise.
Rakshabandhan is described as a special tale that celebrates “relationships in the most beautiful way”. The movie might be Kumar’s second collaboration with Rai, after Atrangi Re, which options Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan.
Pednekar was final seen in movies like Dolly Kitty Aur Woh Chamakte Sitare and Durgamati, each of which launched final 12 months.
Rakshabandhan is offered by Kumar’s sister, Alka Bhatia and Rai. The movie is backed by Colour Yellow Production in affiliation with Cape of Good Films.
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