New Delhi: Congress chief Pawan Khera was arrested by Assam police on the Delhi airport on Thursday (February 23) after he was deplaned from a Delhi-Raipur Indigo flight by authorities. In a video shared by ANI, police personnel might be seen escorting Khera to their car. Khera, whereas talking to reporters, stated that he’ll struggle no matter case he was detained for. Prasanta Kumar Bhuyan, IGP L&O & Spox of Assam police to ANI {that a} case has been registered towards Congress chief Pawan Khera at Haflong police station in Assam’s Dima Hasao district. He shall be introduced in a Delhi courtroom and shall be taken to Assam on transit remand.
Assam Police arrests Congress chief Pawan Khera. He shall be introduced in a Delhi courtroom and shall be taken to Assam on transit remand
— ANI (@ANI) February 23, 2023
#WATCH | “We will see (in which case they are taking me). It’s a long battle and I’m ready to fight,” says Congress chief Pawan Khera as Delhi Police takes him after he was deboarded from an plane at Delhi airport
— ANI (@ANI) February 23, 2023
A political drama unfolded at Delhi airport after Pawan Khera was deplaned from a Raipur-bound IndiGo flight. Earlier a number of get together leaders bought off the aircraft after Khera was deboarded and staged a dharna on the tarmac. Khera was on his technique to Raipur for the Congress plenary.
As drama escalated at terminal one of many home airport right here, flight workers advised Congress leaders there was confusion with Khera’s baggage. They stated the police have been on their manner and would clarify the rationale to him. However, later, Delhi police handed over a doc from Assam Police looking for their assist in the detention of Khera. According to PTI, a case has been registered towards Khera below varied sections of the IPC for his alleged remarks towards the prime minister.Â
“We are all on the @IndiGo6E flight 6E 204 to Raipur and all of a sudden my colleague @Pawankhera has been asked to deplane,” Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate, who was additionally on the flight, stated on Twitter.
“What sort of high-handedness is this? Is there any rule of law? On what grounds is this being done and under whose order?” she stated.
(With company inputs)