New Delhi: In a jolt to the Aam Aadmi Party two days after it gained the polls for the mayor and deputy mayor within the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD), Bawana councillor Pawan Sehrawat joined the BJP on Friday. The switchover occurred shortly earlier than the polling to elect members of the MCD`s Standing Committee on Friday. Earlier, on Thursday, the House was adjourned for the thirteenth time because it convened submit the MCD polls in December 4, final 12 months, after councillors of the ruling AAP and the Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party got here to blows over polling to elect members of the Standing Committee. The MCD session was adjourned until 10 am on Friday.
Amid the bedlam within the House on Thursday, Rekha Gupta, the BJP mayoral candidate who misplaced to AAP`s Shelly Oberoi in Wednesday`s polls, alleged broke the wood panel the place a microphone was mounted, whereas fellow get together member Amit Nagpal allegedly tore off the poll paper and threw the poll field.Â
#WATCH | Sloganeering by BJP councillors in Delhi MCD House forward of the election of six members of the MCD Standing Committee
— ANI (@ANI) February 24, 2023
The chaos erupted in the course of the election for the members of the standing committee when BJP alleged that in the course of the secret voting, the councillors had been taking images of the ballots by their cell, which is a violation of the key poll. Henceforth, BJP has demanded the votes forged be rejected and recent elections are carried out.Â
Speaking to reporters later within the day, the newly elected mayor stated a call on the motion to be taken towards the 2 BJP councillors might be made at a gathering on Friday.
In the mayoral polls on Wednesday, Oberoi bagged 150 votes to the BJP candidate`s 116. The Delhi mayor was elected following three failed makes an attempt amid the bickering between the treasury and opposition benches and repeated adjournments.Â