Popular host and actor Maniesh Paul married his childhood love, Sanyukta Paul in 2007. The actor not too long ago opened up about how his spouse has been his pillar of energy all through. Maniesh and Sanyukta have two children, Yuvann and Saisha. Maniesh revealed that in 2008, he was “jobless”, just two years after getting his first full-time job as a radio jockey. Maniesh told Humans of Bombay, “My first memory of Sanyukta was at this fancy dress competition in the 3rd grade–she’d dressed up as Mother Teresa and I, as Raj Kapoor. We’d known each other since nursery, but we hadn’t interacted–she was studious & I hated studying. But when I started taking tuition from her Mom, we bonded. I’d convince her to do all my homework; Sanyukta would happily do it. She was also the first one to know about my breakups!”
Maniesh mentioned after an incessant wrestle he lastly acquired the job of a radio jockey submit which he proposed marriage to Sanyukta. “After transferring in with me, Sanyukta took up a job as a instructor; I used to be juggling my job and some anchoring assignments. We barely acquired any time collectively, however she by no means complained… not as soon as.”
Maniesh Paul said during his career lows, Sanyukta became his motivational force and asked him to not lose hope. “Then in 2008, I was jobless for a year. I didn’t even have the money to pay the house rent. But, Sanyukta took care of everything. She’d say, ‘Be patient-you’ll get a great opportunity soon.’ And a year later, it did; I bagged a TV serial. Things started picking up. I went on to do reality shows and award nights. In 2011, we had a daughter and in 2016, a son. Finally, I’m in a place where I can take time out for Sanyukta and my kids. And it’s a rule that I don’t talk about work on the dinner table.”
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