Bollywood actor Ranvir Shorey took to social media to condemn the violence that took place at Delhi’s Red Fort during the tractor rally on Tuesday (January 26). The ‘Bheja Fry’ actor, while responding to a user on Twitter, said that the farmers have the right to protest peacefully and ‘not vandalising and indulging in violence’. Shorey criticized the protesting farmers, who went off their route and waved flags from Red Fort’s ramparts. A clash broke out between the agitating farmers and Delhi police officials, which left several personnel injured.
Ranvir expressed his displeasure over the clash which took place on Republic Day 2021. He wrote, “Farmers have only the right to protest peacefully, not vandalising and violence. This elected govt. has the right to legislate reform.”
The ‘Traffic Signal’ actor responded to another user, who called him out for sitting ‘comfortably in his AC room’ and commenting on the matter’. Ranvir said that he would rather sit in his AC room then indulge in violence on Republic Day. “I would rather sit comfortably in my AC room then go around rioting and vandalising the capital on Republic Day over laws legislated by an elected govt. And if you don’t want tear gas, stick to the routes the police has designated for protests. Thanks,” Shorey replied.
Shorey posted another tweet while retweeting a video on the micro-blogging site. He wrote, “That too on Republic Day! Farmers are not above the nation!”
Several other tinsel town celebs including Swara Bhasker and Vishal Dadlani also condemned the violence and said that it is unacceptable. Dadlani, who is currently seen as a judge on ‘Indian Idol 12’, tweeted, “Violence by either side is unacceptable. Especially when we’re all meant to be on the same side.”
Swara Bhasker posted a ‘heart-break’ emoji on Twitter to express her anger. She also retweeted Rahul Gandhi’s tweet wherein he stressed that violence is not the solution for any issue.
Several political leaders including Rahul Gandhi, Shashi Tharoor have also condoled the violence on social media. The farmers have been protesting against the newly enacted farm laws since November 26.