IIA study: Scientists now one step closer to identifying the source of solar mean magnetic field

IIA study: Scientists now one step closer to identifying the source of solar mean magnetic field

Scientists from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) via their newest research have given a clearer image of how the solar’s magnetic field influences the interplanetary magnetic area which is the major driver of area climate.

According to the Department of Science and Technology, scientists now are one step closer to identifying the source of the Solar Mean Magnetic Field (SMMF), which is the mean worth of the line-of-sight (LOS) part of the solar vector magnetic field averaged over the seen hemisphere in addition to its relationship with Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF).

The solar accommodates the corona (the outer shell of the solar’s environment), the photosphere (the seen floor), and the chromosphere (near-transparent layer, simply above the photosphere) with magnetic field generated by electrical currents appearing as a magnetic dynamo inside the solar. These electrical currents are generated by the stream of sizzling, ionised gases in the solar’s convection zone.

“The SMMF is the mean value of the line-of-sight component of the solar vector magnetic field averaged over the visible hemisphere of the sun. The effect of the SMMF on the IMF is an object of interest to scientists, for a better understanding of the IMF paves the way for responding to space weather in a better fashion. However, so far, the studies on the SMMF have mostly been confined to the magnetic field measurements at the photosphere,” states the Department of Science and Technology.

IIA scientists of their quest to perceive if and the way the SMMF at chromospheric heights is expounded to the SMMF at photospheric heights, have discovered an excellent similarity between the two, with the worth of chromospheric SMMF being decrease than the photospheric SMMF, thereby suggesting that the primordial magnetic field inside the solar could possibly be a source of the SMMF.

They calculated and analysed the SMMF utilizing magnetic field measurements at the chromosphere, along side that of photospheric measurements. For this, they utilised information from Synoptic Optical Long-term Investigations of the Sun (SOLIS)/Vector Spectromagnetograph (VSM) instrument throughout 2010–2017 and cross-checked this with information from the Wilcox Solar Observatory.

Understanding the source of the SMMF and its driving parameters may assist us perceive how the SMMF impacts the IMF.

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