India Reacts Sharply On Pakistan PM Imran Khan’s Sri Lanka Visit


New Delhi: At a time when Pakistan is portraying its Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Sri Lanka as a major diplomatic move on the region, India sees it differently. Informed Sources have reacted sharply to the visit while sharing the assesment of the visit with ABP News. ALSO READ | Japan Appoints Minister For Loneliness After Worrying Spike In Suicide Rate Amid Covid-19 Pandemic

Sources say Sri Lanka had faced global criticism when announced no one will be buried as it could lead to spread Covid-19 virus. Muslim Sri Lankans were cremated which handled to big controversy and political criticism. That also fuelled global condemnation, largely by muslim countries. Maldives went to extent of announcing thag it will bury Muslim Sri Lankan’s in its territory.

In this backdrop UN Human rights council session is underway and it will hear a key report on Sri Lanka on Wednesday. Therefore Sri Lanka is looking for support amid western countries ready to slam colombo. 

Pakistan as an OIC member can help get support Sri Lanka in that sense. 

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Imran Khan’s visit is also largely a short visit. His much talked about Parliament address was also cancelled given Khan can speak on Kashmir which could upset  India. Also Imran Khan for domestic constituency, could have raise burial issues well. He has been vocal in the past on the issue.

A recent March was organized in the country in which both minorities – Tamils and Muslims had joined. However this looks odd since while Sri Lankan’s own Muslims are protesting against the govt, it is courting an Islamic country. 

Also ironical is that on one hand Sri Lankan govt fears Islamic radicalisation and terrorism (Easter Sunday Attack), while on the other, hobnobs with a known terrorist financier whose track record is being discussed in FATF currently.

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