With the campaigning intensifying for the Lok Sabha polls, the Abdullah father-son duo have alleged that the Election Commission of India’s resolution to defer the polls is geared toward depriving nomads of their voting rights. Both Farooq and Omar made these remarks whereas campaigning on reverse sides of the Pir Panjal hills. Abdullah, on Wednesday, acknowledged that the folks of Anantnag-Rajouri would ship a big blow to these plotting to deprive the Gujjar-Bakarwal inhabitants of their voting rights. He made these feedback whereas addressing a collection of election rallies in Kotranka and Thanamandi in Rajouri.
Farooq Abdullah mentioned, “BJP and its proxies have developed cold feet due to the groundswell of support for the NC. BJP is in panic mode as it is losing badly in the ensuing elections. It has already lost Udhampur & Jammu seats. BJP stands wiped out in the plains of Jammu. They fear that they are losing this election too and are scared of it, their only strategy is now to defer the polls.”
“Deferring polls is to benefit the BJP and its allies but all such nefarious designs will not yield anticipated results as people will dust their plans and vote against them,” Farooq mentioned.
He cautioned folks to stay alert in opposition to the BJP & its communal designs. “They can go to any extent to grab power. They will create divisions between communities to achieve their end. BJP is leaving no stone unturned to grab power by playing the communal card to prevail upon common and poor masses through exploitative means, but people are determined to give them a befitting reply and will never allow them to grab power. Our people understand their designs. They will not allow them to weaken JK’s secular fabric, unity, and integrity. People have made it a point to bid goodbye to BJP,” he mentioned.
On the opposite facet of the Pir Panjal, Omar Abdullah asserted that the Election Commission of India’s resolution to defer the polls for the Anantnag-Rajouri Parliamentary seat was geared toward depriving the nomadic neighborhood of their proper to vote.
Omar advised reporters, “The resolution of the ECI taken yesterday was a evident instance of conspiracy. The fee was silent when incessant rains lashed J&Okay, however when beneficial climate circumstances had been restored, they rescheduled the polling. This was aimed to deprive the nomadic neighborhood of the Pir Panjal area of their proper to vote.”
“The rescheduling of polls was aimed to deprive nomadic folks of exercising their proper to vote, however we’re hopeful those that hatched conspiracy at this juncture can be dusted on polling day,” mentioned Omar. He alleged that the BJP believes within the divide-and-rule coverage just like the British had been taking part in, however the National Conference and its cadre received’t quit and can proceed to symbolize the folks of Jammu and Kashmir.