Mumbai: Actress Juhi Chawla Mehta, who has filed a lawsuit in Delhi High Court on the well being dangers related to 5G telecom know-how, says there was a basic false impression that her go well with is in opposition to the know-how. The actress mentioned involved authorities ought to make public all information related to the know-how, to be able to clear the air.
Juhi Chawla Mehta shared: “There seems to be a general misconception that our present suit filed in the Hon’ble Delhi High Court is against 5G technology. We wish to clarify here and once again very clearly state, we are NOT against 5G technology. However, we seek from the Government and the governing authorities, to certify to us and, therefore, to the public at large, that 5G technology is safe to humankind, man, woman, adult, child, infant, animals and every type of living organism, to flora, and to fauna.”
Talking about lack of research on radiofrequency radiation, the actress additional acknowledged: “Having written to several concerned government authorities since 2010, making a presentation to the 53rd Parliamentary Standing Committee 2013-2014, filing a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the Mumbai High Court 2015, found there has been no substantial movement in the EMF radiation matters, whatsoever. In 2019, on enquiring from the Ministry of Telecommunications, Government of India, I was informed in writing vide reply under the RTI Act that no studies have been conducted with regards to RF radiation, even as of today.”
“Since prevention is well-accepted to be far better than cure, immediate measures must be taken to protect humanity and the environment, and for which all I am asking is to the concerned authorities to show me the data,” she added.
The plea filed by Chawla, Veeresh Malik and Teena Vachani contended that the degrees of RF radiation are 10 to 100 instances larger than the prevailing ranges. It claims that the 5G wi-fi know-how could be a potential risk to impress irreversible and severe results on people and it may additionally completely injury the earth’s ecosystems.
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