New Delhi: Ace comedian-actor Kapil Sharma and wife Ginni Chatrath were blessed with a baby boy recently. The good news was shared by the host of ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ on Twitter with his fans on February 1, 2021.
The happy news invited much fan attention and likewise, several celebrities showered the couple with congratulatory messages.
An unseen picture of preggers Ginni Chatrath wearing a pretty green gown and posing with their adorable daughter Anayra has gone viral on the internet. It is apparently from her baby shower.
Namaskaar we are blessed with a Baby boy this early morning, by the grace of God Baby n Mother both r fine, thank you so much for all the love, blessings n prayers love you all ginni n kapil #gratitude
— Kapil Sharma (@KapilSharmaK9) February 1, 2021
Several fan pages have shared it on social media handles.
Recently, during #AskKapil chat session, the comedian revealed that he is about to take a brief break from ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ and would like to be with his wife and kids, spending quality time with family.