Mumbai: On the auspicious event of Easter, a number of Bollywood celebrities took to Instagram and wished their followers. Kareena Kapoor shared a publish on Instagram during which her children Taimur and Jeh may very well be seen celebrating the day with cousin Inaaya and pop Saif Ali Khan. “My Easter Bunnies Happy Easter Lovely People Keep the treasure hunt on…always …,” she captioned the publish.
Apart from Kareena, a number of different Bollywood celebrities shared the blessings on social media. Taking to Instagram, actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra shared a publish on her tales which reads, “May the risen Lord Bless you abundantly and keep all of you in His loving care. Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Easter.”
Madhuri Dixit Nene shared a publish on her tales and wrote, “Happy Easter. May your easter basket be full of joy, happiness and peace. Today and always.” Actor Ananya Panday shared an cute video on her tales during which she may very well be seen utilizing the bunny filter. She captioned it, “Happy Easter.” Malaika Arora shared a publish which reads, “Good morning Blesses Easter Sunday.”Anil Kapoor shared an image which reads, “Happy easter.”
Actor Bobby Deol additionally dropped a video to want her followers and followers. Manoj Bajpayee shared a publish and wrote, “Hoping you have fun memories this Easter and have a basket full of happiness. Spreading love and hope.” Easter marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ following his crucifixion on Good Friday. It additionally marks the end result of Lent, a 40-day interval of fasting and penance.