Former Bigg Boss contestant Kavita Kaushik, who by no means shies away from talking her thoughts, lately referred to as out Salman Khan-hosted actuality present on Twitter. Kavita’s tweet got here in response to a fan’s touch upon a video that confirmed her performing a formidable yoga pose, contemplating she is a licensed Kundalini Yog instructor. Sharing his ideas on Kavita’s video the place she is seen performing a posh yoga pose, one fan wrote that she mustn’t have participated in Bigg Boss. He additional wrote that the present did a variety of hurt to Kavita’s picture and since he’s her fan he needs her all the most effective issues in life.
Replying to this remark, the actress stated that it’s alright and he or she believes like they are saying as soon as an individual has spoilt their “image” they’re fully free. Kavita stated that now she doesn’t care in regards to the hate or the love of those that decide somebody on the premise of a “fake reality show”.
Its okay, like they are saying as soon as you’ve got spoilt your “image” you might be free! Now I do not give a fu€okay in regards to the hate or the love of those that decide somebody on a pretend actuality present ❤— Kavita Kaushik (@Iamkavitak) April 9, 2021
Some of Kavita’s followers supported her tweet and shared their ideas within the feedback part. One fan wrote that it’s ironic how the pretend present introduced out the actual aspect of the actress. While one other fan commented that he’s her huge fan and he or she doesn’t deserve such forms of exhibits. He stated that her persona is completely different and in response to them, Bigg Boss Season 14 winner Rubina Dilaik was the “most fake and arrogant” contestant on the present. He additionally talked about that he actually needs Kavita to make a brand new collection of her well-known comedy collection, FIR with the identical previous crew and wished her the most effective.
Kavita Kaushik had walked out of Bigg Boss season 14 after heated arguments with Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla.
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