Kings Ransom, Fighton, Regency Smile, Jake, Isnt She Beautiful and Vyasa shone when the horses had been exercised right here on Sunday morning (May 28).
Inner sand:
1000m: Tough Cookie (R. Pradeep) 1-7, 600/40.5. Strode out nicely.
Outer sand:
600m: Lex Luthor (Sonu Ok) 44. Strode out nicely. Knotty Dancer (S. John) 45.5. Moved on the bit. Mariana (Kritish) 45. Easy. Divo (Zervan) 44.5. Moved nicely.
1000m: Wordsmith (Kirtish) 1-16, 600/44.5. Worked nicely. Monteverdi (Hasib), Success (Hindu S) 1-13.5, 600/44. Former completed 5 lengths forward. Nevada Gold (Saqlain) 1-13, 600/44. In nice form. Emperor Roderic (P.S. Chouhan) 1-14, 600/43.5. Strode out nicely. Fondness Of You (Yash) 1-15.5, 600/44.5. Easy. Irish Rockstar (Saqlain) 1-12, 600/43.5. Moved nicely. Vyasa (P.S. Chouhan) 1-10.5, 600/41.5. Impressed.
1200m: Cat Whiskers (Bhawani) 1-30.5, 1,000/1-15, 600/46. Moved freely. Dedicate (Hasib), Grace (Hindu S) 1-29.5, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/45. Former completed two lengths forward. Jake (Hindu S) 1-27, 1,000/1-11, 600/42. Moved attractively. Shadow Of The Moon (Yash), Ruby Red (Abhay S) 1-28, 1,000/1-14, 600/44.5. Former began six lengths behind and completed 5 lengths forward. High Tribute (Hasib), Septimius Severus (Hindu S) 1-31, 1,000/1-16, 600/45. They moved freely. Isnt She Beautiful (Saqlain) 1-28, 1,000/1-12, 600/41.5. A great show. Saigon (P. Trevor) 1-28, 1,000/1-13, 600/44. Stretched out nicely. La Reina (Saqlain) 1-30.5, 1,000/1-15, 600/46. Easy. Regency Smile (Hindu S), Raisina Star (Hasib) 1-26.5, 1,000/1-11, 600/42.5. Former completed two lengths forward. Golden Gallery (Akshay Ok), King Of conflict (rb) 1-29, 1,000/1-13.5, 600/45. They labored nicely.
1400m: Fighton (N.S. Parmar) 1-39, 1,200/1-25, 1,000/1-11.5, 600/44. Pleased. Miss Maya (Saqlain), Kancha (Abhay S) 1-44.5, 1,200/1-27.5, 1,000/1-12.5, 600/43.5. They moved freely. Geographique (Vishal B), Encantamento (Saba) 1-45, 1,200/1-28, 1,000/1-12, 600/42.5. Former confirmed out. Anadale (Salman Ok) 1-46, 1,200/1-31, 1,000/1-16, 600/46. Easy. Jamari (Kirtish) 1-45, 1,200/1-29.5, 1,000/-14.5, 600/43.5. Shaped nicely. Stormy Ocean (P. Trevor) 1-40.5, 1,200/1-25, 1,000/1-11, 600/43. A great show. Lazarus (P.S. Chouhan) 1-45.5, 1,200/1-29.5, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/43. Strode out nicely. Raising Star (Hasib), Imperial Gesture (Hindu S) 1-45.5, 1,200/1-29.5, 1,000/1-14.5, 600/46. They moved on the bit. Balor (P. Trevor) 1-46.5, 1,200/1-28.5, 1,000/1-14, 600/43.5. In nice trim. Kings Ransom (P.S. Chouhan) 1-40, 1,200/1-25, 1,000/1-10.5, 600/41.5. Moved fluently.