The Bharatiya Janta Party (BJP) held a late-night marathon assembly on Saturday in presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, BJP National President JP Nadda, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya, Brijesh Pathak, Rajasthan Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma, amongst others. The BJP Central Election Committee (CEC) mentioned round 150 Lok Sabha seats.
The Lok Sabha seats are unfold throughout a number of states together with Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Rajasthan, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. The checklist, which is anticipated right this moment, will assist the BJP finalize names on a lot of the seats that the celebration is contesting within the NDA. The BJP has already launched an inventory of round 275 candidates and with 150 extra names doubtless right this moment, the tally will attain 425 seats throughout India.
The determination relating to the fourth candidate checklist was made throughout a three-hour Central Election Committee assembly attended by key BJP leaders on Saturday. As per celebration sources, in Uttar Pradesh, 10 names had been mentioned and finalized. Out of the whole 24 seats left to announce, 10 had been mentioned and are anticipated to be introduced within the fourth checklist.
In Odisha, 21 seats had been mentioned. As per sources, Dharmendra Pradhan is more likely to contest from Sambhal, Sambit Patra from Puri, and Aprajita Sarangi from Bhubneshwar within the upcoming Lok Sabha election. However, the names of two sitting MPs is likely to be eliminated. In Rajasthan, eight seats had been mentioned.
In West Bengal, all remaining seats had been mentioned, out of which 20 have been introduced in earlier lists. Eighteen, together with Asansol, had been mentioned on Saturday. Three seats are but to be mentioned. Bihar and Maharashtra are to be mentioned within the subsequent Central Election Committee assembly.
Meanwhile, the Congress celebration on Saturday launched its fourth checklist of 46 candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.
The election for 543 Lok Sabha seats will start in seven phases beginning April 19. Various events have declared their preliminary lists for the elections, which is able to conclude on June 1. The counting of votes will happen on June 4.