MUMBAI: Prime Video on Monday (March 6) introduced the unique world streaming premiere of Christopher, a Malayalam crime-action blockbuster starring legendary actor Mammootty. Produced by RD Illuminations LLP, directed by Unnikrishnan B and written by Udaykrishnan, the movie incorporates a power-packed ensemble forged together with Amala Paul, Sneha, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Vinay Rai, Shine Tom Chacko, Remya Suresh in pivotal roles. Prime members in India and over 240 international locations worldwide can stream Christopher from March 9 in Malayalam together with Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu dubs on the service.
Set in Kerala, the movie follows Christopher (performed by Mammootty), a vigilante cop who’s pressured to work outdoors the legislation when the system fails those that want it essentially the most. The thrilling narrative weaves throughout previous and current conditions to unravel startling truths and revelations that expose the motives and ethical bruises that form his actions.
Speaking about Christopher’s streaming premiere on Prime Video, Mammootty stated, “Working on Christopher has been such an enriching experience – and sharing screen with such a wide range of talented actors. Unnikrishnan B’s vision and conviction towards the story is evident in every frame. I think the story has a global resonance as well as contemporary relevance, those who have watched the film have empathized and related to the struggles of the protagonist. I am delighted that with Prime Video, Christopher is going global and will reach a wider set of film fans across the world.”
Director Unnikrishnan B added, “It was heartening to watch Christopher have a successful theatrical run, with the audience rooting for the grey characters and enjoying every action-packed scene of the film. Each and every actor in the film has put in a lot of hard work and I am glad it has paid off well. I am now excited to present this film to audiences across 240 countries and territories through Prime Video, and eagerly await their reactions. I am sure that this thrilling crime-drama will keep the audience on the edge of their seats.”