Moto G54 5G was launched in India in September final 12 months with a beginning price ticket of Rs. 15,999. Now, the corporate has dropped the value of the Moto G-series handset by as much as Rs. 3,000. The Moto G54 5G options a 6.5-inch full-HD+ show with 120Hz dynamic refresh price. It runs on a MediaTek Dimensity 7020 SoC, coupled with as much as 12GB of RAM and a most of 256GB onboard storage. The Moto G54 5G has a twin rear digicam unit headlined by a 50-megapixel foremost sensor and is backed by a 6,000mAh battery.
Moto G54 5G value in India (revised)
The Moto G54 5G was launched in September final 12 months with a price ticket of Rs. 15,999 for the bottom 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant and Rs. 18,999 for the 12GB RAM + 256GB storage. At current, the handset is listed on Motorola’s on-line retailer and Flipkart for Rs. 13,999 and 15,999 for the 8GB+128GB, and 12GB+256GB storage fashions, respectively.
Moto G54 5G specs
The twin SIM (nano) Moto G54 5G runs on Android 13 with My UX 5.0 on prime and options a 6.5-inch full-HD+ show with 120Hz dynamic refresh price and a 20:9 facet ratio. It is powered by an octa-core MediaTek Dimensity 7020 SoC, together with as much as 12GB of RAM. It has a twin rear digicam setup that homes a 50-megapixel major sensor with optical picture stabilisation (OIS) alongside an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle lens. Selfies and video calls are managed by a 16-megapixel entrance digicam.
Moto G54 5G packs as much as 256GB of onboard storage that may be expanded as much as 1TB through a microSD card. The handset has an IP52-rated water-repellent construct and options a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for biometric authentication. It is backed by a 6,000mAh battery that helps 33W TurboPower quick charging.