The Overseas Citizenship of India (OCI) status of actor Chetan Kumar has been cancelled by the Ministry of Home Affairs. The actor has been vital of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and has been arrested twice for his tweets which have been vital of Hindutva and the judiciary in a single case.
“I have received a letter asking me to submit my OCI card at the Foreigners Regional Registration Office in the next 15 days,” stated Mr. Kumar. He added that he was exploring authorized choices and would file a writ petition within the Karnataka High Court difficult the order.
In his tweet posted on March 20, Mr. Kumar had said that Hindutva was an ideology “built on lies” and cited the examples of Savarkar, Babri masjid in addition to Uri Gowda and Nanje Gowda.
He additionally tweeted that Hinduvta may very well be defeated by fact and that “truth is equality”.
Based on a criticism, Mr. Kumar was arrested by the Seshadripuram police on March 21 and charged underneath sections 295A and 505(2) of the IPC.