In a breakthrough, the Anti-Gangster Task Force (AGTF) of Punjab Police on Thursday arrested Vikramjit Singh alias Vicky, an operative of Lawrance Bishnoi and Goldy Brar Gang. He was tasked by the foreign-based handler to get rid of rival gang members. He was additionally concerned into cross-border weapons and drug smuggling.
According to police, Vikramjit has a prison historical past and at the very least 20 instances are registered in opposition to him together with UAPA in Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. He was one of the shooter/co-accused of deceased gangster Ankit Bhadu within the sensational homicide of their Rival Jordan in a Gym at Ganganagar, Rajasthan in 2018.
One Chinese Pistol together with 8 dwell cartridges and a Toyota Fortuner has been recovered.