People’s Forum for the Rise of South Asia Aims To Address Trade, Tourism And Technology | India News

People’s Forum for the Rise of South Asia Aims To Address Trade, Tourism And Technology | India News

New Delhi: The inaugural session of the ‘People’s Forum for the Rise of South Asia’ (PFFROSA) summit was held as we speak at Vishwa Yuvak Kendra, New Delhi, marking a step in the direction of regional unity and cooperation. The occasion aimed to handle key points dealing with South Asia via a unified strategy. The occasion was organized by ARSP Foundation in collaboration with Yuvsatta (Youth for Peace), Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti, and the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. 

During the opening remarks, Mr. Sanjay Bhalla, General Secretary of ARSP Foundation, highlighted the pivotal function India is predicted to play in fostering international peace and concord. He mentioned, “This century belongs to Asia, and India, with its precept of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (the world is one household), is poised to guide the means in making a peaceable and progressive South Asia.”

Mr. Pratap Singh, President of the ARSP Foundation, elaborated on the summit’s goals, specializing in 4 important areas: commerce, tourism, know-how, and the optimization of demographic dividends. He emphasised the significance of gender equality and sustainable administration of water assets to make sure holistic growth in the area. 

The summit additionally featured a debate the place Mr. Mahaveer Singhvi, IFS, Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, drew parallels between the European integration post-war and the potential for comparable cooperation in South Asia. “The European model of overcoming historical rivalries through integration and cooperation offers valuable lessons for us in the global south,” he remarked. 

Distinguished company, together with Dr. Jwala Prasad, Director of Gandhi Smriti & Darshan Samiti, and Shailendra Kumar, Chairman of TIOL Knowledge Foundation, amongst others, contributed their insights on numerous facets of regional challenges and alternatives.

The event offered a discussion board for the PFFROSA Youth Leadership Awards, which honor excellent social leaders. Honorees had been Mr. Vishal Sehgal, Co-founder & Director of LAVA Mobiles, and Dr. Anil Jaggi, creator of Conscious Ventures & Japan-India Sustainability Alliance, demonstrating the selection of contributions to societal progress. 

The two-day summit will come to an finish with a prayer session at Mahatma Gandhi’s resting place, Rajghat, signifying the unity and customary objectives of the nations of South Asia. The subsequent PFFROSA Summit shall be held in Sri Lanka in six months, as introduced by the organizers, Mr. Sanjay Bhalla and Mr. Pramod Sharma, demonstrating their dedication to ongoing collaboration and involvement round the area. 

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