New Delhi: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Okay Stalin on Wednesday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of mendacity over the fund allocation to Tamil Nadu and urged him to supply the recipients to whom the funds had been allotted. In a launched assertion, Stalin asserted Prime Minister had given false hope concerning the allocation of funds to Tamil Nadu’s folks.Â
“A few days ago, When PM Modi visited Tamil Nadu, he claimed to be directly distributing funds to the people, despite allocating them to the state government. If the Prime Minister had specified the recipients of these funds, we could have inquired with those individuals to verify whether they received any financial assistance or not,” Stalin mentioned.
CM Stalin slammed the central authorities for not offering the fund of 37 thousand crores for the district impacted by two nationwide disasters.
“Residents of Eight Districts in Tamil Nadu experienced the impact of two national disasters. Despite our plea for 37 thousand crores in disaster funds, did the Prime Minister extend any assistance to the people of Tamil Nadu, even with just one rupee? Why is he spreading lies?” Stalin additional added.
Stalin additionally said that the Tamil Nadu authorities allotted rupees 3406.77 crores from the federal government state Disaster fund after the shortage of assist the federal governmentÂ
Meanwhile, Chief Minister Stalin additionally launched the ‘Neengal Nalama’ scheme to look at all the federal government schemes and obtain public opinion on authorities schemes.Â
“Government responsibility is not only giving schemes but also to check whether schemes are reaching each citizen of the state,” Stalin mentioned.