The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has launched photos taken by Chandrayaan-3’s rover module Pragyan. Two photos taken by Pragyan’s navigation digital camera are the primary to be launched by the house company after the rover ramped down from the Vikram lander onto the lunar floor on August 23.
ISRO mentioned the rover encountered a 4-metre diameter crater whereas traversing on the lunar floor on August 27 and to keep away from it, it retraced its path and is now headed on a brand new path.
While one of many two photos shared by ISRO on Monday exhibits the crater, the second exhibits the trail retraced by the rover.
“On August 27, 2023, the rover came across a 4-metre diameter crater positioned 3 metres ahead of its location. The rover was commanded to retrace the path. It’s now safely heading on a new path,” ISRO posted on X, beforehand Twitter.