Mumbai: Actor, director and singer Prithviraj Sukumaran, who is understood for his work in Malayalam cinema, reacted vehemently to allegations made towards him by the YouTube channel Marunadan Malayali. As per the stories put out by the channel on May 11, he has been making propaganda movies and thus pressured to pay Rs 25 crore to the Enforcement Directorate (ED). However, Prithviraj has lashed out at on-line portals making unsubstantiated claims towards him and expressed his remorse. The completed actor made it clear that he did not pay the superb, because the portal advised. Furthermore, Prithviraj strongly reiterated that he intends to take authorized motion towards the portals that unfold defamatory falsehoods.Â
He took to his Instagram deal with and wrote in an announcement, “It has come to my attention that the YouTube channel by the name Marunadanmalayali has published a false and defamatory story, alleging that I have paid a fine of Rs 25,00,00,000 pursuant to proceedings initiated by the Enforcement Directorate and am making propaganda films. The allegations are devoid of any truth, is malicious, and defamatory. I am initiating legal action for the false and defamatory allegations that have been made against me. I hereby request all responsible media channels to ensure that any further reporting on the allegations are done only after the facts are verified and confirmed.”Â
He additional added, “I usually tend to ignore these because terms like “moral journalism” are fast becoming redundant in the times we live in. But there is a limit to propogating absolute lies in the name of “information”. This is a fight I intend to see through to the end. Filing civil and criminal defamation charges. PS: For those of you who are still wondering… NO, I haven’t paid any fines whatsoever.”Â
Meanwhile, on the work entrance, Prithviraj can be subsequent seen in ‘Aadujeevitham’ during which he performs a Malayali immigrant employee pressured into slavery as a goatherd on a farm in Saudi Arabia.Â