New Delhi: Actress Radhika Apte, known for her roles in Andhadhun and Pad Man, recently shared a heartwarming update on Instagram, introducing her one-week-old baby girl. In a candid post, Radhika announced the news with a photo of herself breastfeeding her daughter. The caption read, “First work meeting back after birth with our one-week-old at my breast. First work meeting back after birth with our one week old at my breast #breastfeeding #mothersatwork #itsagirl #girlsarethebest #bliss @benedmusic”
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The picture captures a touching moment of Radhika balancing motherhood and work, as she sits on her bed dressed in a black turtleneck sweater, her laptop open in front of her. Her baby, wrapped in an adorable olive-green sweater, rests in her arms.
Radhika had previously surprised fans with her pregnancy announcement during her appearance at the BFI London Film Festival 2024 in October, keeping her journey under wraps until then.
Take A Look At The Post:
Also Read:Â Radhika Apte Expecting First Child With Husband Benedict Taylor, Flaunts Her Baby Bump At BFI Film Festival
Radhika met her husband, British musician Benedict Taylor, in London in 2011. The couple began living together before tying the knot in a private ceremony in 2012, followed by a formal celebration in 2013.
On the work front, Radhika recently made a cameo in Merry Christmas, starring Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, and will next appear in Sister Midnight.