New Delhi: As congratulatory messages poured in all by Thursday after it was introduced that he could be honoured with the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, celebrity Rajinikanth took to Twitter to convey thanks and gratitude. He thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the authorities of India, in addition to a number of others together with Raj Bahadur, the bus driver who would inform him of acting auditions throughout his days as a bus conductor.
“For discovering my acting skill and for encouraging me, my friend Raj Bahadur,” he wrote in a particular letter he posted on Twitter.
Rajinikanth additionally thanked his brother Sathyanarayana Rao Gaekwad for “making all the sacrifices that he did to make me an actor, even when wrought by poverty”.
The actor made his acting debut with filmmaker Ok. Balachander`s “Apoorva Raagangal” in 1975. In his letter, the celebrity thanked Balachander, his “guru” for educating him the artwork of acting and honing his abilities.
Rajinikanth additionally thanked his well-wishers together with Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi Ok Palaniswami, Deputy Chief Minister O Panneerselvam, chief of the Opposition MK Stalin, his friend and colleague Kamal Haasan, and all different leaders.
He additionally expressed gratitude to administrators, producers and technicians, media, stunt grasp, theatre house owners and everybody who has helped him.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi had congratulated Rajinikanth by writing: “Popular across generations, a body of work few can boast of, diverse roles and an endearing personality…that`s Shri @rajinikanth Ji for you. It is a matter of immense joy that Thalaiva has been conferred with the Dadasaheb Phalke Award. Congratulations to him.”
Rajinikanth responded to PM Modi`s tweet saying: “Immensely humbled and honoured with your greetings and the most prestigious #DadasahebPhalkeAward award respected and dearest Shri @narendramodi ji. My heartfelt thanks to you and the government of india.”
Rajinikanth ended the letter with “Jai Hind” and the slogan, reside and let reside.