New Delhi: During the Republic Day parade Uttar Pradesh presented tableau with the Ram Mandir model. The tableau has won first prize, last year the Uttar Pradesh tableau won second prize. In the 2021 Ayodhya tableau, showcased ”Deepotsav”, it was depicted by earthen lamps around the tableau which had a model of the Ram Mandir along with various stories from Ramayana epic and a giant statue of sage Valmiki. As it rolled down the Rajpath, it prompted many spectators, including ministers, to stand and applaud.
Designed after the theme ‘Ayodhya: Cultural Heritage of Uttar Pradesh’, the tableau of Uttar Pradesh also displays Ram Mandir.
The forepart of the middle tableau shows Deepotsava of Ayodhya, in which millions of earthen lamps are lit. #RepublicDay
— ANI (@ANI) January 26, 2021
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An official from Govt of Uttar Pradesh, who is accoring to his Twitter handle the Director Information & Public Relations Director and Special Secretary Culture posted a congratulatory tweet.
इस वर्ष के गणतंत्र दिवस में उत्तर प्रदेश की भव्य झांकी को प्रथम स्थान पाने का गौरव प्राप्त ,सारी टीम को दिल से बधाई ।गीतकार विरेंद्र सिंह को विशेष आभार ।कल दिल्ली में मा. रक्षा मंत्री जी पुरस्कार प्रदान करेगें।@myogiadityanath @UPGovt
— Shishir (@ShishirGoUP) January 27, 2021
Last year, in August Prime Minister Narendra Modi performed groundbreaking rituals for the start of construction of the temple after the Supreme Court in 2019 handed over the site claimed for decades by both Hindus and Muslims for a Ram temple and ordered that Muslims be given an alternative site for a mosque. The contruction of the Ram Mandir is expected to be completed in 2023.
According to a PTI report from the day, an official of the Uttar Pradesh government said, “Ayodhya is our holy place and the Ram temple issue has been an emotive one for the faithful. Our tableau showcased the ancient heritage of the temple town, revered by countless people across the country.”