New Delhi: Bollywood famous person Sanjay Dutt’s Torbaaz director Girish Malik’s son 17-year-old son Mannan died on Friday after falling off from his constructing, reportedly. The incident came about at their Andheri residence in Mumbai.
According to the Times of India, Mannan fell off from the 5th floor of the constructing however particulars of the deadly incident are but to be revealed. He had reportedly gone to play Holi and returned house within the afternoon. He was rushed to Kokilaben Ambani Hospital, however could not make it.
Girish Malik’s accomplice in Torbaaz, Puneet Singh confirmed the unlucky information. He informed Times Of India, “Mr Malik’s son has passed away but I cannot say anything at the moment about what exactly happened. We are not in a state to speak.”
Torbaaz producer Rahul Mittra informed the publication, ” I am non-plussed to learn about the unfortunate incident and just informed Sanju who’s deeply saddened too. We are shocked beyond words. I had met Mannan a couple of times along with Girish during the making of Torbaaz and found him to be very talented & a boy of promise. May God give Girish and the entire family strength to cope up with this irreversible loss. My heartfelt condolences.”
Girish Malik helmed Sanjay Dutt in Torbaaz which additionally featured Nargis Fakhri. Girish made his directional debut with Jal in 2013.