Sci-Five | The Hindu Science Quiz: On Rabbits and its kind
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Rabbits, hares and pikas, a part of the order Lagomorpha, usually are not present in these two continents.
- Australia, Antarctica
- Antarctica, South America
- Asia, Antarctica
- Africa, Australia
Rabbits, hares and pikas though not various when in comparison with the rodents are almost worldwide of their distribution. Rabbits are indigenous to all continents besides Australia and Antarctica.
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What are new child hares known as?
Newborn hares are known as leverets and are precocial, which suggests the new child is absolutely developed at start.
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Which is the most important breed of rabbit?
- Lionhead Rabbit
- Flemish Giant Rabbit
- Checkered Giant Rabbit
- Angora Rabbit
The Flemish Giant is the most important rabbit breed on the planet. The common weight of the Flemish Giant is 11 kg, in response to World Atlas.
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What is a hare’s resting place known as?
Hares are solitary, not colonial, and don’t burrow. They create shallow resting locations, in fields or lengthy grass, often known as ‘forms’.
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What are pikas additionally known as?
- Nesting hare
- Whistling hare
- Jumping hare
- Rock hare
The pika is also called the whistling hare due to the high-pitched alarm name it provides when alarmed.