Something Royal, Supreme Dance, Schnell and Starkova excel

Something Royal, Supreme Dance, Schnell and Starkova excel

CHENNAI: Something Royal, Supreme Dance, Schnell and Starkova excelled when the horses had been exercised right here on Jan. 10 (Wednesday).

Outer sand:

600m: Berrettini (C. Brisson) 43.5. Easy. Asio (M. Bhaskar) 43.5. Easy.

800m: Soft Whisper (S. Kabdhar) 54.5, 600/40.5. In effective trim. Glorious King (M. Bhaskar), Sonic Dash (S. Imran) 56.5, 600/43. They completed degree.

1000m: Greenwich (Ram Nandan), Kings Walk (C. Brisson) 1-7, 800/53,5, 600/40. They moved impressively. Crown Angel (C. Brisson), Kings Return (S. Kabdhar) 1-13.5. 800/57, 600/45.5. Former completed two lengths in entrance. Sinatra (Ram Nandan) 1-15.5, 800/58, 600/43. Niggled.

1200m: Schnell (S. Imran), Brilliant Lady (M. Bhaskar) 1-26.5, 1000/1-11.5, 800/58, 600/46. Former moved on the bit, whereas latter was urged and completed a size behind.

Inner sand:

800m: Sheer Elegance (rb) 57, 600/43. Shaped effectively. Raffinato (rb), Stolen Glance (rb) 55.5, 600/41.5. Former completed a size in entrance. Mutant (rb), Speculation (rb) 55.5, 600/39.5. They moved effectively. Anzio (C. Brisson), Royal Icon (Ram Nandan) 53.5, 600/39. They impressed. Emelda (rb), Rinello (rb) 55.5, 600/39.5. They are in effective trim. Spirit Of Rose (Shyam Kumar) 55.5, 600/41. Urged. Annexed (rb) 1-2.5, 600/47. Easy. Everwin (rb), Bluemed (rb) 55.5, 600/40.5. They labored effectively. Ugly Truth (Shyam Kumar) 57, 600/43.5. Unextended. Gutsy (S. Kabdhar) 52.5, 600/38.5. In pink of situation.

1000m: Swarga (rb) 1-17.5, 800/1-2.5, 600/48. Sensibility (Shyam Kumar) 1-12, 800/57, 600/42. In effective form. Multicrown (Ram Nandan), Masterpiece (rb) 1-7.5, 800/54, 600/41. They are in effective situation. Saro Superfast (rb) 1-13, 800/57.5, 600/43. Handy. Grand Royal (rb) 1-8, 800/53.5, 600/40.5. Strode out effectively. Sian (Shyam Kumar) 1-7.5, 800/54.5, 600/40. Stretched out effectively. Daiyamondo (rb), War Emblem (rb) 1-11, 800/56, 600/42. Former moved higher and completed three lengths in entrance. Starkova (rb) 1-5.5, 800/52, 600/40. In effective nick. Vijaya (S. Imran) 1-7, 800/53, 600/40. Moved fluently. Thrill Of Power (rb)1-13, 800/57.5, 600/43.5. Pushed. Seaking The Stars (Shyam Kumar) 1-12, 800/59.5, 600/45.5. Moved freely. Sovereign Spirit (C. Brisson),
Asta (rb) 1-8, 800/54.5, 600/41.5. Former moved effectively and completed about sit six lengths in entrance. Once You Go Black (rb) 1-14, 800/1-1, 600/47. Easy. Groovin (C. Brisson), Danny’s Girl (Shyam Kumar) 1-5.5, 800/52.5, 600/39.5. They impressed. Abilitare (rb), Royal Falcon (rb) 1-12.5, 800/59, 600/45. They are in fine condition. Something Royal (Farhan Alam) 1-4.5, 800/53.5, 600/39.5. In nice coronary heart. Sensations (rb) 1-14.5, 800/1-1, 600/47.5. Easy. Supreme Dance (Farhan Alam) 1-6, 800/52, 600/39.5. Moved attractively.

1200m: Emperor Charmavat (Farhan Alam) 1-27.5, (1200-600) 40. Eased up. Element (rb), Desert Star (rb) 1-22.5, 1000/1-8, 800/54.5, 600/40.5. They happy. Brook Magic (rb) 1-28.5, (1200-600) 41. Eased up. A 3-y-o (Akeed Champion – Silver Cruise) (rb), a 3-y-o (Saamidd – Glebe Queen) (rb) 1-30, (1200-600) 41.5. They had been eased up. Sangavai (rb), Kundavai (rb) 1-25, 1000/1-9.5, 800/55.5, 600/42.5. They moved effectively.

Gate follow (inside sand):

1000m: Moriset (C Brisson), The Sovereign Orb (Ram Nandan) 1-5.78. They jumpeed out well. Green Reef (rb), Forest Flake (S. Imran), Jack Richer (Farhan Alam) 1-7.26. They trio took a great soar.

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