The Pushkar Singh Dhami cupboard in Uttarakhand will take up the Uniform Civil Court draft for dialogue shortly. The cupboard is prone to approve the draft after which it is going to be taken up within the meeting to kind a invoice. According to studies, the Cabinet assembly will probably be held this night. The UCC drafting committee, led by retired Supreme Court decide Ranjana Prakash Desai, has already submitted the draft to Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Friday.
During an important Cabinet assembly prone to be chaired by Uttarakhand Chief Minister Dhami on the State Secretariat this night, the draft report for the Uniform Civil Code is prone to obtain approval. Following this, the federal government is about to introduce the UCC Bill within the Assembly on February 6. The Uniform Civil Code goals to determine constant civil legal guidelines for all communities within the state.
उत्तराखंड में UCC लाने की तैयारी पूरी, विधानसभा में कब पेश होगा UCC का ड्राफ्ट, आ गई तारीख #Uttarakhand #UniformCivilCode #PushkarSinghDhami #BJP | @ramm_sharma
— Zee News (@ZeeNews) February 4, 2024
Once applied, Uttarakhand will turn into the primary Indian state after independence to undertake the UCC. Following its liberation in 1961, Goa, which had a inhabitants of simply six lakh at the moment, selected to maintain the Portuguese Civil Code. This determination made it the one state with a uniform civil code relevant to all religions.
The UCC will present a authorized framework for uniform marriage, divorce, land, property and inheritance legal guidelines for all residents, no matter their faith. The passage of the UCC Bill will mark the fulfilment of a significant promise made by the BJP to the individuals of the state within the run-up to the 2022 Assembly polls.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah has already mentioned on varied platforms that the Uniform Civil Code will probably be implement throughout India after authorized consideration.