What Can Be Your Reason For Breakup? Check Causes Based On Zodiac


Breakups can be challenging, and the reasons behind them often vary depending on personality, preferences, and compatibility. Astrology provides a unique lens to explore these differences, offering insights into how each zodiac sign approaches love, relationships, and conflict. 

Whether it’s Aries’ impulsiveness, Virgo’s perfectionism, or Scorpio’s intense emotions, understanding these tendencies can shed light on the potential causes of a breakup. Let’s dive into how the stars might influence your relationship dynamics and what could lead to a parting of ways for each zodiac sign as shared by astrologer, Jeevika Sharma.


For Aries, you love to spend time with your friends and would any day prefer your friends over your partner if you are in a relationship. And, this is the reason why your relationships often fails. Your partner gets irritated by this behaviour of yours and they end up leaving you.



People born under the zodiac Taurus ends up breaking up only when their partner repeats a pattern which ruins the relationship. It could be unnecessary fighting or any other action which puts them off. Once Taurus gets fed up of their partners behaviour they leave their partner.


It is hardly ever the case where a Gemini would end up parting ways with their partner. In their life it usually their partner who leaves them and goes away.



Cancerian have a tendency of acting like a cry baby in front of their partners all the time. It is that behaviour which their partner may find irritating and would end the relationship because they do not want to baby sit a cancer.


Leos are usually the type who when they get irritated of their partner they leave them without much thought. For Leos, focusing on earning money is more important than tolerating an irritating partner.


Whenever a Virgo see that there is no growth that can be made in a relationship they end up moving away from their partner. They stay with a partner to grow in life. And, when there is no scope for growth they become disinterested.


Libra usually ends a relationship when the problem revolves around a monetary matter. And, when they do break up with their partner it is a mutual decision. Both, Libra and their partner go their separate ways because it is the best possible option they find.


Scorpio gets influenced by what others have to say about their partner. When a third person says something about their partner, it could be a complaint or anything, Scorpios prefer to believe the words of a third person. They never trust their partner and part ways thinking they are being cheated on.


Whenever a Sagittarius breaks up with their partner it is usually when they feel or get tied down in their life. Or, when they feel that their partner does not give them enough freedom to live their life.


You often find yourself breaking up with your partner with the sole reason being your respective families. After a certain amount of time you discover that both you and your partners family are not blending with each other. And, due to this there is hardly any growth in family relations. Ending the relationship will be a mutual decision between you and your partner.


You are usually someone who is hardly ever serious about your partner when you are in a relationship. Once you get bored of your partner you deliberately act in such a way that pushes your partner away and they themselves end up finishing the breakup with you.


Whenever a romantic relationship ends in your life, it is often the reason that you see your partner drifting away from you. When your partner starts to move away and stops listening to you then in turn you start to lose interest.

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