As many huge Bollywood flicks have made their method to digital platforms for launch in latest instances, it appears the big-budget starring Akshay Kumar, Bell Bottom is the subsequent to observe the league. Helmed by Ranjit Tiwari, this era thriller is produced by Nikkhil Advani and Pooja Entertainment. Earlier, the makers have been eager for the theatrical launch and denied releasing it on OTT, however now issues appear fairly reverse as makers are contemplating digital platforms as the one choice throughout the pandemic.
The film was anticipated to launch on May 28, however going by the present scenario, the theatrical launch appears not possible. The movie has been bought to Disney Hotstar for an early digital premiere. The producer of the movie Nikkhil has confirmed the developments and mentioned, “I believe it is being considered. But the final monetizing lies with Pooja Entertainment.”
Earlier, the digital rights have been pre-sold to Amazon Prime Video who provided round 125 crore, however because the film can have direct to OTT launch, the makers anticipated extra. As per the studies in SpotboyE, the producer has been provided round 170 crore by one other streaming platform, Disney Hotstar. If issues prove greatest between the 2, will probably be the second premium acquisition that includes Akshay Kumar by Disney-Hotstar after Laxmii which launched in November final yr.