WhatsApp was reportedly noticed testing a voice messages playback pace function on the general public beta channel. It was enabled for a number of customers on WhatsApp for Android beta, however disabled once more with the discharge of a brand new WhatsApp for Android beta replace the very subsequent day. This function has been below growth and was noticed to be in the works someday final month. WhatsApp is engaged on bringing three audio playback pace ranges — 1x, 1.5x, and 2x.
WhatsApp updates tracker WABetaInformation stories that the function to extend playback pace of voice messages was very briefly enabled in WhatsApp for Android beta The playback pace image was exhibiting up proper subsequent to voice messages, in order that customers may enhance the pace – however not lower — of the playback in the event that they most well-liked. WABetaInformation later reported {that a} new WhatsApp for Android beta launched a day later disabled the voice messages playback pace function for all those that had it enabled in the earlier beta.
WhatsApp often checks options for a number of months earlier than rolling it out to public beta testers. This function being enabled for public beta might have been a mistake from the corporate’s finish, however one which WhatsApp shortly rectified with a brand new replace. However, that is additionally a sign that WhatsApp could also be near rolling out the function quickly.
WABetaInformation additionally noticed WhatsApp testing the flexibility to delete or make adjustments to a chat solely from an lively system, and never another linked ones. The adjustments or deleting of any chat by one handset won’t be deleted from different linked units. There is not any readability on why WhatsApp thinks that is necessary, however we anticipate the app to additionally get an choice to delete chats from all linked units in one go.
This function is below growth and can doubtless include the multi-device function that has been a work-in-progress for some time now. Multi-device assist will allow customers to entry their WhatsApp account on as much as 4 units. The WhatsApp options tracker mentioned {that a} log off possibility for linked units can also be below growth.
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