Mumbai: Veteran actor Zeenat Aman shared two footage from an occasion within the Capital on her Instagram deal with and mentioned that they summed up her “Friday night”. In one of many footage, she may be noticed carrying a black bodycon costume with an identical bag. While within the different one, Zeenat was seen in white bathrobe having fun with munching her burger. She described her night with the caption, “My Friday night explained in two pictures by @zanuski.”
After her submit, most of the social media customers and business mates commented on her footage. Singer and actor Sophie Choudry wrote, “Quite simply the coolest woman on insta.” One of her followers talked about, “How some one can look so Hot..Love you Mam..” Another commented, “Slaying zeenat ji”
Zeenat is kind of lively on social media and lately her video from the occasion with the web sensation Uorfi Javed additionally went viral on social media. They each may be seen speaking to one another.
The actress, who gave a number of hits akin to ‘Satyam Shivam Sundaram’, ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’, ‘Qurbaani’, ‘Dhund’, ‘Don’, ‘Manoranjan’ and ‘Yaadon Ki Baarat’, was recognized for doing unconventional roles and breaking the stereotypes along with her daring and bindaas persona.Â